Article Submission
MRN Articles aim to communicate the world-leading research conducted by Muslim academics to a wide audience. Articles should be targeted at a non-specialist, and hence simple and engaging.
1) Introduce the general field and the overarching question(s) your field aims to answer.
2) Present a summary of your own research contributions with minimal jargon, aiming to engage a wide, non-specialist audience.
3) Relate your research to your faith as a Muslim: this can involve relating your research topic directly to Islamic scholarship and values and/or outlining how Islamic values had a more general impact on your academic career.
4) Keep your article short and succinct. Maximum: 1,000 words.
2) Present a summary of your own research contributions with minimal jargon, aiming to engage a wide, non-specialist audience.
3) Relate your research to your faith as a Muslim: this can involve relating your research topic directly to Islamic scholarship and values and/or outlining how Islamic values had a more general impact on your academic career.
4) Keep your article short and succinct. Maximum: 1,000 words.
1) Attach the article as a word document containing only text and no embedded figures.
2) Attach any high quality versions of any figures you would like to include in the article separately in the submission email, indicating clearly in the text where each figure should be placed (e.g. <figure 1 goes here>).
3) Attach a word document containing a short blurb about yourself outlining your current position (including student) and relevant background. This will be published alongside the article. Maximum: 50 words.
4) Optional: Attach a photograph of yourself. This will be published alongside the article.
5) Email your submission to: [email protected]
2) Attach any high quality versions of any figures you would like to include in the article separately in the submission email, indicating clearly in the text where each figure should be placed (e.g. <figure 1 goes here>).
3) Attach a word document containing a short blurb about yourself outlining your current position (including student) and relevant background. This will be published alongside the article. Maximum: 50 words.
4) Optional: Attach a photograph of yourself. This will be published alongside the article.
5) Email your submission to: [email protected]