The Oxford Muslim Student Research Conference (OMSRC) 2019 was held on the 19th of January 2019 at Worcester College, Oxford. We welcomed over 100 students to an exciting day of enriching research presentations and beneficial talks from esteemed keynote speakers.
Keynote Speakers
Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad, Cambridge- "Muslim Believers in Higher Education" Dr Usaama Al-Azami, Oxford- "Academia as a Vocation" Research Presentations Science Dr Mohammady El-Gaby, Oxford- "Neuronal Assemblies: The cliques that make flexible learning possible" Hannah Rana, Oxford- "Design considerations of planetary landers for lunar exploration missions" Dr Wahbi El-Bouri, Oxford- "Multi-scale modelling of the Microvasculature in the Human Brain" Mohsan Alvi, Oxford- "Turning a Blind Eye: Explicit Removal of Biases and Variation from Deep Neural Network Embeddings" Dr Omar Abdel-Mannan, UCL- "A National Surveillance of Childhood Epilepsy" Humanities/Social Sciences Dr Muhammad Meki, Oxford- "Microequity for Microenterprises: Implementing Musharakah-based Microfinance Contracts using Field Experiments in Developing Countries" Hibba Mazhary, Oxford- "Distancing death: welfare and slaughter in the British halal meat industry" Mustafaen Kamal, Oxford- "Inequality and the Muslim experience" Attiya Latif, Oxford- "Rabi'ah the Myth: Gendered Re-Imaginings of a Sufi Icon" Hasher Nisar, Oxford- "The Effects of Group Status & Geographic Location on the Tone of Media Coverage: Jews and Muslims in New York Times and Guardian Headlines, 1985-2014" "How to get started in Academia" workshops Natural Sciences: Dr Mohammady El-Gaby, Oxford Humanities/Social Sciences: Dr Zainab Kabba, Cambridge |
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